Conference “Water.Climate.Justice.” I 21-23 March 2025 in Cologne
Thematic focus
The program is divided into three strands, which are shaped by various workshops, panels and cultural events:
1. Water Knowledge: Scientific basics, conflicts and approaches to solutions
Preview: We are looking forward to Annika Joeres, among others, who will read excerpts from her book “Durstiges Land”. We will also be showing the exhibition “Alles im Fluss” by the Heinrich-Böll-Foundation.
2. Solidary resilience: practices for the (water) crises
Preview: There will be workshops on community organizing in flood regions, among others, as well as a panel on the question of possible water councils.
3. Movement building & networking
Preview: We will learn about local conflicts, identify needs and develop overarching strategies & actions in various workshops.
Program times
- Friday, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m.
- Saturday, 10 a.m. to 9.p.m.
- Sunday (focus: networking and movement building), 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
A detailed program will follow at the end of January 2025.

Key questions:
At the “Water.Climate.Justice.” conference, we want to to formulate goals, develop strategies and narratives jointly and network actors in order to take action.
Our key questions:
- How can we organize ourselves to be capable of acting when the next drought or flood disaster strikes, so that we can seize the opportunity to demand more climate protection and fair adaptation?
- How can we manage to forge effective alliances that enforce flood protection and safeguard our water supply? Which actors need to come together?
- How can we strengthen the polluter-pays-principle and hold the fossil industries accountable – both for the damage caused by drought and floods and for the costs of adaptation measures?
- Which narratives need to be shifted? What is our vision of a climate- and water-friendly future?
- How can illusory water solutions be prevented to create space for real nature-based solutions?
- What options do we have to help in solidarity and practically when the next disaster strikes?